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EFS Breaking the Bias – Rand Sawadha


Today, we are concluding the series with the galvanizing journey of Rand Sawadha – Facility Manager in the EFS Jordan branch.


From one end to the other, Rand welcomes us into the intricacies of her professional journey with honesty, lucidity, and appreciation for her helpers.

For Rand Sawadha, the decision to become Facilities Manager in Jordan was quite a challenge. It impacted her life greatly in various dimensions. Firstly in her role as a mother, then as a wife, and finally also within her extended family. She reflected that “it’s a daily challenge that I need to accept to become a better person and a better leader.”

Many people inspired her in different stages of her life: she recalled particularly her direct Manager Kamal Zahran with whom she worked for about three years earlier in her career. He supported her a big deal and included her in crucial projects, forming her decision-making, resilience, and self-confidence.

He also participated in helping her accept herself and build the right team. He is an inspiration in her journey to becoming the good leader and coach she is today. She said about him: “I wasn’t sure I was the right person for the job. He showed me that I was that person and supported me in building a successful team”.

Managing people older than her, working late hours on the field, leading a large and diverse team of people from different backgrounds, ages and cultures were the main challenges she faced in her work.

The most important lesson she learned and will share with other women aspiring to be in similar managerial positions is getting rid of the fear of leading. Women can also be leaders and are no different from male leaders. Secondly, women should not expect any different treatment.

With a smile, she concluded her speech by saying: “I am blessed to be a part of such an intelligent and inspiring team that is at all times a great support system to me. I am grateful.”

We are grateful for such an amazing story. We know how inspiring it is for any woman looking for motivation and encouragement in the FM industry and any similar environment.

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