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#EFS360 Transforming Lives: Angela Thomas from Trainee to Engineer


A job is more than just a job – it is an opportunity to transform your life! We are kicking off today the #EFS360 Transforming Lives series celebrating the growth, resilience, and transformation of inspiring EFSians.

We aim to showcase real-life stories of evolution, transformation, and learning through workplace talent recognition and exposure to opportunities.

Angela Thomas is an Engineer FM Transitions in EFS. We sat down with Angela on a busy workday and asked her to share with us her story. The bright and ambitious young woman joined EFS after the completion of her studies and after many internships.

Angela joined 18 months ago and progressed from a trainee position to the assistant engineer job, continuously being trained and offered the opportunity to learn and find her true calling.

Not long after, Angela got promoted to Engineer FM transition, rewarding her continuous learning commitment and achievement with a position that provided her with the right mentorship tools, management responsibilities, and exposure to learn more while exceeding operational expectations.

“Working in EFS has been the greatest experience – not only as a workplace but the exposure we get to leadership and mentorship, which are invaluable. In EFS, I discovered my voice – speaking out and having an opinion is encouraged, and I found that to be progressive and aligned to my personality. I am better than I was yesterday, and I constantly look to get better for what I am and what I do.”

We asked Angela what is her advice for the women out there and her words were inspiring: “A message that I would like to share would be to learn, to occasionally unlearn, and to persistently be open to re-learn”.

Watch Angela’s journey of transformation! To get to know more about our campaign, get in touch with us!


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