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#EFS360 Transforming Lives: Rabia Shams


A dream job impacts lives and creates new paths of transformation! We continue the #EFS360 Transforming Lives series celebrating the growth, resilience, and transformation of inspiring EFSians with a new episode featuring Rabia Shams.

Today Rabia is an Assistant Manager in Finance and Compliance. But her journey started long before Rabia could understand the concept of a career with a dream to become an army doctor. “As a child often, people would ask me what I want to be when I grow up, and I would always undoubtedly answer – an army doctor”.

But, her career path, as she was growing up, changed from the pursuit of a medical career to a more different industry – finance, inspired by her brother’s advice.

Rabia comes from a conservative background where it is not commonly accepted that girls could travel to another country or city for studies or work. However, Rabia’s parents recognized the ambition and desire to learn of the girl that once dreamed of being an army doctor. Rabia completed her finance studies in Islamabad and moved to Dubai in 2016.

In 2017 Rabia arrived at an EFS interview for a junior accountant position with EFS Group CFO Taher, who was impressed by Rabia’s knowledge and insight and decided that she needs a different career path. Rabia joined EFS in a position created for her as an internal control specialist and embarked on a career path that brought her today closer to a management position.

“Taher envisioned my career path and supported me along the way, making sure I got the support needed to acquire more skills, experience and exposure to match my career ambition. For this, I am extremely grateful, as today I manage the external compliance for ten countries, and I have a clear road ahead of me to grow.

I am a well-rounded human being with immense knowledge and a hunger to learn every day”.

Rabia’s advice is a reflection of her life mantra: “Never consider yourself and your job as a money-making machine, because the day you consider it, you will lose your motivation to work with passion. Always learn, always work with passion; this will help you to grow.”

Watch Rabia’s journey of transformation! To get to know more about our campaign, get in touch with us!


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