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Behind the Scenes: Training for the Greatest Show on Earth – Loise Mbovu Mutua


We continue our campaign Behind The Scenes: Training for The Greatest Show On Earth, where we go behind the curtain of how EFS Group trains talent for the incredible work opportunity to represent UAE’s diversity on the world’s stage.

Today we meet Loise Mbovu Mutua, a dynamic, skilled customer representative who embarked on the journey to the most incredible show on earth as Pavilion Explainer.

Loise’s delivers her professional experience in customer relations to the team paired with her natural skill to communicate and interact with people.

Joining the team lead by EFS to create an unforgettable consumer experience, Loise embraces in EFS the unlimited opportunities to grow and finds a platform to showcase her abilities while accessing more possibilities to evolve professionally.

“Leaders lead by example – from the group CEO to the team, the true leadership is reflected in the way the EFS team bring charisma, openness and teamwork to the table.” Loise is ready to embrace her journey and add professional value to the team behind the greatest show on earth.

“As a pavilion explainer, it will be my mission to make customers feel acknowledged and content!”

Watch Loise’s full story and follow the journey behind the scenes on the way to The Greatest Show on Earth!




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